This Week's Notices
We have a mix of activities held both face to face, virtually and by phone. Please see below for details of this week's activities. If you wish to be involved please click here and we will get back to you with more information.
This Week's Calendar
Sun Dec 12th 10.30am Service in church, on Zoom and on the telephone led by
Mrs Diane Patrick
Mon 13th 10.30am coffee/lunch group at Side Door
Tues 14th 1.45pm Indoor bowls
Wed 15th 2.30pm Friendship Group
Thur 16th 1.00pm warm space afternoon
7.00pm Evangelism and Service Meeting
Fri 17th 9.00 am Toddler group
1.45pm Indoor bowls
Sat 18th 9.00am Prayer meeting on Conferoo
10.00am Coffee Morning
Sun 19th 9.00am Holy Communion led by Rev Susan Chambers
10.30am Service in church, on Zoom and on the telephone led by
Mrs Kath Melling
Meeting ID: Tel. 0131 460 1196, 991 3848 4887, Passcode: 135246
Extra Notices
Sundays at 7.30pm – contact Inga Greet on 475536
Mondays at 2pm – contact John Boardman on 822180
Tuesdays at 10.30am – contact Lester Kitching on 870508
Wednesdays at 10am – contact Patrick Mickleburgh on 870769
Wednesdays at 8pm – contact Dawn Gregory on 07751481542
Thursdays at 10am –
Anything that involves heating up a lot of water will require a lot of energy. Try washing (both laundry and dishes) at lower temperatures. It may not always be suitable if things are very dirty, but it's worth testing out your dishwasher and washing machine to see how your normal loads of clothing and crockery fare on a slightly cooler cycle.
If anyone has any eco-tips that they would like to share, please give them to
John or Ann Boardman or email:
Just to remind you that Tuesday 14th January, is the church's 'Pray at Home Day.'
We are being encouraged to be united as a church family to pray together.
The set prayer times to join together are between 10 – 11am, 1 – 2pm
or from 7 – 8pm.
If these times are not convenient for you, you can join in with prayer any time
on that day.
Starting with the Lord's Prayer then perhaps use the following:
Heavenly Father,
We come together in thanksgiving.
You are indeed worthy of all our praise and worship, knowing that you love to hear us as your children bring our prayers and petitions to you.
As we start a New Year we are encouraged to recommit in our Christian walk to the Covenant you made with us and to concentrate on our commitment to the plans you have for us.
We ask you blessed Holy Spirit to help us to hear your guidance in showing your love to all we meet.
At this time of the year, we particularly pray for those who are still suffering with their financial problems that mean families needing food banks, for those struggling with addictions, with mental health issues, those with long term health problems their Carers, the homeless and the lonely.
We ask all of this in the precious name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
We were saddened to hear of the sudden death of Brian Evans,
a much respected member of our church.
The service of celebration of his life will be held at Scartho Methodist Church
on Tuesday 18th February, at 12 noon.
There will be an Evangelism & Service meeting here at Scartho
on Thursday 16th January, at 7pm.
There will be a service for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity here at Scartho
on Monday 20th January, at 2.30pm.
We need volunteers to take part, eg read a Bible passage or prayers etc.
Please come to the service anyway!
If you're willing to help please contact John, Tel: 07969 828348.
Thank you.
Just to let you know that I will be going in to Old Norse Lodge Care Home, Scartho Top,
to take a service on Tuesday 21st January, at 2.30pm.
If anyone would like to join me they will be very welcome.
Patrick has sent another £40 to The Leprosy Mission raised by people collecting 5p coins.
Thank you to you all.
Please keep up the good work!
Thank you in to everyone for all the cards, flowers and offers of help received
on the death of George.