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This Week's Notices

We have a mix of activities held both face to face, virtually and by phone. Please see below for details of this week's activities.   If you wish to be involved please click here and we will get back to you with more information.

This Week's Calendar

Sun   Feb  16th    9.00am   service 9f Holy Communion led by Revd Patrick Micklburgh

 9.00am               10.30am   Service of in churchurch, on Zoom and on the telephone,                                                                             led by Mrs Ruth Constant     

Mon 17th             10.30a       coffee/lunch group at Side Door

                             7.00pm      Worship group practice

Tues 18th            12noon      Celebration service for the life of Brian Evans

 Wed 19th            2.30pm      Friendship group, Memory Lane Choir

Thur 20th            7.30pm     Warm space afternoon  

   Fri 21st                1.45pm      Indoor bowls

Sat 22nd                9.00am     Prayer meeting on Conferoo                            

                             10.00am       Coffee Morning     

   Sun                  10.30am         Service of in churchurch, on Zoom and on the telephone,                                                                              led by Revd Joy Osborne            

Meeting ID: Tel. 0131 460 1196,   991 3848 4887, Passcode: 135246   














































Extra Notices


Sundays at 7.30pm – contact Inga Greet on 475536

Mondays at 2pm – contact John Boardman on 822180

Tuesdays at 10.30am – contact Lester Kitching on 870508

Wednesdays at 10am – contact Patrick Mickleburgh on 870769

Wednesdays at 8pm – contact Dawn Gregory on 07751481542

Thursdays at 10am – 



Harbour Place is desperately in need of Mugs.

If anyone can give them some, there will be a box around Church for you to put them in.




Try a meat-free day.  Meat – particularly red meat such as beef – is far more damaging to the environment than other foods.  When cows eat, they produce methane, a gas which is even more harmful than carbon dioxide.  Even giving up one portion of beef a week would help to reduce the damage to the environment, 

If anyone has any eco-tips that they would like to share, please give them to

John or Ann Boardman or email: 



In order for us to hold your details, we now legally need to have your permission.

Our records need to be checked each year, and permissions need to be renewed every two years.  We have to report that this has been within the next few months.  

As such, we are now starting the process of updating our records.  If you have previously completed a GDPR form, and you do not need to change anything, you will be asked to re-sign and date your form – Derek Maidens will be coordinating this.  If you have not completed a form before, and wish for us to hold your details, then please ask a vestry steward or member of the leadership team for a form.  

This should be returned in a sealed envelope to either Derek Maidens or Andrew Hornsby.

For those people who run church groups which involve holding a list of names or any other details, please can you confirm as soon as possible with Andrew that your lists are up to date and in a secure location.

Thank you.



We were saddened to hear of the sudden death of Brian Evans,

a much respected member of our church.

The Service of Celebration of his life will be held at Scartho Methodist Church

on Tuesday 18th February, at 12 noon.



As always, everyone is invited to our next Church Council meeting

on Thursday 20th February, at 7.30pm.

(although only members of the meeting can vote).

At this forthcoming meeting our first item on the agenda will be about our legacy and to hear people's thoughts about how this can best be used.

Please come along to contribute your thoughts or just to listen to ideas from others. 

You will be most welcome!



Just to let you know that I will be going in to Old Norse Lodge Care Home, Scartho Top,

to take a service on Tuesday 25th February, at 2.30pm.

If anyone would like to join me they will be very welcome.




There will be a Messy Church taking place

on Saturday 1st March, from 12 – 1.30pm.

If you would like to help in any way please see Kate Melling or Andrew Hornsby.



There will be a Worship meeting here at Scartho on Thursday 13th March, at 7pm.

This meeting is open for anybody to attend who would like to discuss the worship life of our church.  During this meeting we set future dates, organise special services, as well as discussing how we can develop the points on our Three Year plan to do with worship.

If you are interested in knowing more, please talk to Andrew Hornsby or just come along

to the meeting.



There will be an Ash Wednesday service at St Giles on Wednesday 5th March, at 6.30pm.



Over Lent, in our services and in our Housegroups, we will be following the book

'The Journey Of The Son' by Kate Hayes.  

If you are not currently in a Housegroup and would like to give one a try, this would be

a good opportunity to do so.  

A list of groups and contact numbers is included in the notices each week, but please

do ask if you are not sure who to contact, or would like more information.

women discussion group

Scartho Methodist Church

Louth Road, Grimsby, DN33 2EH

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