This Week's Notices
We have a mix of activities held both face to face, virtually and by phone. Please see below for details of this week's activities. If you wish to be involved please click here and we will get back to you with more information.
This Week's Calendar
Sun 6
13th Oct 10.30 am Service in Church, on Zoom and on the telephone led by Mrs Kath Melling
Mon 14th 10.30am Coffee/lunch group at Side Door
Wed 15th 2.30 pm Friendship Group
Thur 17th 1.00pm Warm Space afternoon
Fri 18th 9.00am Toddler Group
Sat 19th 9.00am Prayer meeting on Conferoo
10.00am Coffee Morning
Sun 120th 9.00am Service of Holy Communion led by Revd Susan Chambers
10.30 am Service in Church, on Zoom and on the telephone led by Revd Joy Osborne
Meeting ID: Tel. 0131 460 1196, 991 3848 4887, Passcode: 135246
Extra Notices
Sundays at 7.30pm – contact Inga Greet on 475536
Mondays at 2pm – contact John Boardman on 822180
Tuesdays at 10.30am – contact Lester Kitching on 870508
Wednesdays at 10am – contact Patrick Mickleburgh on 870769
Wednesdays at 8pm – contact Dawn Gregory on 07751481542
Thursdays at 10am – contact Brian Evans on 07885256444
North Thoresby Methodist Church on Sunday 20th October, at 3pm.
Kenya Kids is a charity run by Chris and Elizabeth Norman, helped by Val Dumbleton.
It was founded in 2011 to help friends in Kenya run 2 church schools providing for destitute children.
The Books for Book Club over the next few months are: -
You Are Here by David Nicholls
The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams
The Silence In Between by Josie Ferguson
We are a very easy going, non-high brow, friendly, chatty cake eating group.
If you’d like to join us (even just for a specific book) or would like to know more,
speak to Cathy Twomey or Kate Melling.
Thank you to those of you that have been donating to the charity all year by leaving your empty shoe boxes and stationary etc for me to take to the warehouse.
October is now the time that you can be making your own shoe boxes if you wish.
If you would like to donate towards the ready-made shoe boxes by myself the donation amount towards the cost of the items is £4.50 for a full box meeting all the criteria.
Please see Denise Langridge on a Saturday morning coffee or myself for more details.
We will be happy to show you the pre made boxes.
The Shoeboxes will be collected at the service on Sunday 3rd November and taken off to the depot ready to be sent out in December.
Many thanks for your continued support of our campaign.
Sue Burton.
There will be a meeting for those who are interested in Eco-church in the Creche room
AFTER this morning's service for a quick update on our progress towards the Bronze award.
All are welcome.
God bless, John.
We have the opportunity to visit some local care homes to share in a Harvest service with the staff and residents. The details are below.
If you would like to come to any/some/all of these services you will be very welcome as part of our outreach and mission in the local area.
I look forward to seeing you there.
15th October – 1.30pm – Waltham House Care Home, Louth Road, Waltham, DN36 4RY
17th October – 11am – Newgrove House, Station Road, New Waltham, DN36 4RZ
On Thursday 17th October 2024, at 7pm, a meeting will be held at St Mary’s on the Sea Church, Heneage Road, Grimsby DN32 9DZ of the Logic Founding Assembly.
After two years of preliminary work over 200 people from North East Lincolnshire will gather to found a new organisation called LOGIC to represent our area at all levels when decisions are made that will affect the people of our area. This will include housing issues, planning and development, opportunities for jobs, training and education, policing, youth opportunities and any other issues which will affect the quality of life in our area. Too often decisions are made where we never get the opportunity be listened to
Attending this meeting will be members from all Faith groups including our Scartho Methodist Church, representatives from Schools and Colleges, Members of Parliament and Local Government, Unions , Health and Care Workers , Employers and all voluntary organisations.
This is an opportunity to get involved as Church Members and work for the benefit of our Community
Most of our Church leadership team will be attending as we feel we should be involved as a Church but we would welcome any members to come along and catch the vision for this Group to work to improve our Community.
A Form is on the Church Notice Board for you to sign if you are willing and able to come along. If you need transport please speak to one of the leadership team and help will be provided.
Many Thanks,
Brian Evans.
The Funeral service for Reverend Kenneth Davy will take place at St. Christopher's
Methodist Church on Wednesday 16th October, at 1pm.