Growing Together
At Scartho Methodist Church, we provide many opportunites for men and women to meet for fellowship, encouragement and spritual growth.
Each week we have seven different housegroups meeting on different days and at different times. Group meet either at church or in member's homes to study the Bible together, pray and to socialise. there are 7 housegroups where we can grow and share in a smaller group.
Click here for further information on days, times and contact numbers.

Friendship Group
Scartho Methodist Friendship group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 2.30 until 4. We usually have a speaker followed by refreshments.
All are welcome

Indoor Bowling
On Tuessay and Friday afternoons during the winter months there is the opportunity to hone your bowling skills ready for the outdoor season at a local park.

Book Club
Book club is a very informal group that meets roughly every six weeks to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. We meet in people’s homes and have drinks and snacks while we chat. Books are chosen by the members of the group and we try to cover a range of genres; most of the books we read would fall into the ‘popular fiction’ category. We are not a particularly intellectual group and chat around the books read is very relaxed and led by the members. All are welcome to attend, the book for the next meeting is posted on our Facebook page and in the notices.