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About Us


We currently have about 70 people attending morning worship each Sunday. Our Sunday morning worship which is varied in style, is usually led by our Minister or a local preacher. We have regular family services, which are planned and led by members of the congregation, where the worship is more informal. The preaching is usually considered central to the service. This is in line with the church’s teaching on the authority of scripture.

Music is led by our Music Group and includes both modern and traditional songs and hymns.

Members of the congregation take part in worship through reading, leading prayers, children’s talks, drama, giving testimony etc.

There is also use of visual images through the regular use of a data projector. Children are catered for on a Sunday morning by our Sunday Club and Creche.

Activities during the week which include our toddlers’ group and ladies meeting amongst others, cater for a range of ages and interests. We also have a strong housegroup system with 7 midweek housegroups which take place during the daytime and evenings.
As part of our vision to become a healthier church we have recently been trying to develop further the prayer-life of the church and our role in bringing the gospel to our community through our service and evangelism 
We tithe all our church income, giving away 10% of our income each year to international, national and local charities. We also have a Community Fund which is used to provide help in individual circumstances as and when it is needed. 
We are members of the Evangelical Alliance and the Family Friendly Churches Trust as we believe that both of these organisations give support and assistance in our commitment to bringing the gospel in a relevant way to all who meet here.

What we believe




Scartho Methodist Church

Louth Road, Grimsby, DN33 2EH

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